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Check Engine Light Diagnostics in Valley Village, CA 

A terrifying orange light illuminates your dashboard: the check engine light. Panic sets in. What's wrong? How much will it cost? Can I even drive the car?

While the check engine light can be a cause for concern, it doesn't have to be a meltdown moment. At our Valley Village auto repair shop, we understand the anxiety this little light can cause. Our helpful team is here to assist you in navigating the situation and getting you back on the road, no matter what you drive.

The check engine light acts like a warning sign, alerting you to a potential issue somewhere within the system. Modern vehicles have onboard computers that constantly monitor engine functions like emissions, fuel mixture, and sensor performance. When a problem arises, the computer detects it and triggers the check engine light.

What Does the Check Engine Light Mean?

Unfortunately, the check engine light itself doesn't tell the whole story. It simply indicates that a problem exists but not the nature of the problem. This is where our expertise comes in.

T & T Auto Repair – Your Check Engine Light Specialists

Our ASE-certified technicians are equipped with top-of-the-line diagnostic tools, including our cutting-edge Snap-on scanner. These tools allow us to communicate directly with your vehicle's computer, retrieving valuable information. Our technicians are skilled at interpreting these codes and, coupled with a thorough inspection of your vehicle, can pinpoint the root cause in no time.

Here's the good news: At T & T Auto Repair, we offer a free check engine light diagnosis (with subsequent repairs performed at our shop). This means you can bring your car in, have our technicians diagnose the issue, and receive a clear explanation of the problem - all at no cost to you! Plus, our repairs are covered by a 1 year or 12,000 miles (whichever comes first) warranty.

Should I Drive My Car With the Check Engine Light On?

It depends on the severity of the issue. Sometimes, the problem might be minor, but driving for a short distance is okay. However, it's never recommended to ignore the check engine light altogether. If the light is accompanied by additional symptoms like stalling, rough idling, or reduced power, it's best to err on the side of caution and get your car checked out ASAP.

By addressing the issue promptly, you can prevent minor problems from snowballing into major (and expensive) repairs down the road. Bring your vehicle to T & T Auto Repair, as we're here to help. Feel free to call us to schedule an appointment or visit us for a free check engine light diagnosis today.

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